Italy: 81 Bulgaria: 86
Saturday, 21 February 2009
Bulgaria beat İtaly and completed the game 9’th order. Bulgaria won the game 81-86.
At the first quarter, While italy scored with Tomashi, Bulgaria scored with Ivanov. Bulgaria went to the second quarter 23-24 ahead.
Especially, Bulgaria was impressive in İtaly’s basket with Ivanov and lead the first half of the game 40-51 leader. At the second half, İtaly found several points with Severeni and Varuzza. İtaly made a balance by doing tough defence and final quarter is completed with Bulgaria’s priority 64-65.
At the final quarter, Bulgaria produced many scores with the player Ivanov-Tenev and finished the game with the score of 81-86.
ITALY (81): Amadeo Valle 11 (3 rebound, 3 assist), Matteo Varuzza 14 (7 rebound, 1 assist), Giovanni Severini 12 (3 rebound), Simone Tomasini 22 (7 rebound, 3 assist), Luigi Dispinzeri, Alessandro Azzaro 8 (7 rebound, 1 assist), Sandro Listwon, Stefano Stassi 2 (2 rebound), Roberto Francione 10 (6 rebound, 1 assist), Gaetano Spera 2 (5 rebound).
BULGARIA (86): Deyan Karamfilov (2 rebound, 3 assist), Georgi Boyanov 2 (7 rebound, 3 assist), Alensandar Hristov 2 (6 rebound, 3 assist), Deyan Denchev, Teodor Velchev 12 (4 rebound, 4 assist), Pavlin Ivanov 42 (5 rebound, 4 assist), Tencho Tenev 21 (10 rebound, 1 assist), Dimitar Dimitrov 7 (8 rebound, 1 assist), Georgi Funtanov.
1. PERIOD: 23-24
2. PERIOD: 17-27
3. PERIOD: 24-34
4. PERIOD: 17-21
da fip.it
Ankara - La Nazionale Under 16 perde contro la Bulgaria 81-86 e si classifica al decimo posto nel torneo "Turk Telekom" in corso ad Ankara.
Nonostante una buona prova i ragazzi di coach Bocchino hanno ceduto solo nel finale ai bulgari. Domani la spedizione azzurra assisterà alle finali e parteciperà alla cerimonia di chiusura mentre lunedì mattina è previsto il viaggio verso Istanbul ed il ritorno in Italia.
Questo il tabellino della gara:
Italia-Bulgaria 81-86 (23-24, 17-27, 24-14, 17-21)
ITALIA: Della Valle 11, Duranti ne, Guadagnini, Varuzza 14, Severini 12, Tomasini 22, Dispinzeri, Azzaro 8, Listwon ne, Stassi 2, Francione 10, Spera 2. All. Antonio Bocchino
Statistiche Italia:

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