Italy: 64 Russia: 87
Tuesday, 17 February 2009
Russia recover with a great performance against Italy (64-87).
Italy started the game very well and lead the first 4 minutes 11-5. After that, Russian’s were more aggressive in defense and they got some fast break points and lead the first quarter with their 10-0 run. (19-29). Vladislav Trushkin of Russia was very effective again in the first quarter and ended up the first quarter with 10 points and 7 rebounds. In the beginning of the second quarter Italy tried their 1-2-2 zone defense but Russians scored two 3-pointers. The score was 21-35 when Italy Coach Antonoio Bocchino got his second time-out. After the time-out Italy made trouble for Russians with their half court traps, and scored easy lay-ups of Russian’s turnovers. After Russia’s time-out, Russians organized better in offence and with their points behind the arc and some lay-ups in fast breaks they lead the first half 32-48.
The third quarter was started with Russian’s11-3 run. The socre was 35-59 after 6 minutes. Russsian’s tough defense did not let Italy any eas points, and Italy scored only 8 points in this quarter. (40-70). Italian Team never had a chance to recover the game in the final quarter and Russians won the game 62-91. All Russian players on the court were able to score while Vladislav Trushkin ve Petr Shapovalov both shined with their double-doubles. Trushkin scored 15 points and grabbed 12 rebounds while Shapovalov scored 18 points with 17 rebounds.
İTALY(64): Amadeo Della Valle 5 (1 rreb, 2 asit), Bruno Durantı 3, Alessandro Guadagni (2 rreb, 1 asit), Matteo Varuzza 8 (3 rreb, 3 asit), Giovanni Severini 2 (2 rreb, 1 asit) Simone Tomassini 10 (4 rreb, 3 asit), Luigi Dispinzeri 7 (4 rreb), Alessandro Azzaro 15 (4 rreb, 1 asit), Sandro Listwon (3 rreb), Stefano Stassi (4 rreb, 1 asit), Roberto Francione 6 (4 rreb, 3 asit), Gaetano Spera 10 (6 rreb, 1 asit)
RUSSIA (87): Roman Korchaga 9 (5 rreb, 4 asst), Yury Karpenko 5 (4 rreb, 1 asst), Denis Zakharov 12 (4 rreb, 1 asst), Slava Perekrashov 2 (2 asst), Georgy Lachev 1 (8 rreb), Denis Karpuchin 9 (5 rreb, 4 asst), Ivan Vadeev 6 (4 rreb), Karin Bushenaki 6, Petr Shapovalov 18 (17 rreb), Vladislav Trushkin 15 (12 rreb, 5 asst), Pavel Dushenkov 4 (8 rreb),
1.PERIOD: 19-29
2.PERIOD: 13-19
3.PERIOD: 8-22
4.PERIOD: 24-17
da fip.it
Ankara - L'Italia perde con la Russia 64-87 nella quarta partita del Torneo "Turk Telekom" in corso ad Ankara.
Il commento di Fabrizio Della Fiori, accompagnatore della squadra: "Non c'è dubbio che i russi sono più forti di noi, e alla vigilia la sconfitta era anche preventivabile, ma quello che è mancato ai ragazzi rispetto agli avversari di oggi è stata la mentalità, la voglia di vincere, il furore agonistico. Siamo stati troppo teneri contro una squadra invece forte fisicamente e assatanata, con la voglia di sputare sangue. Un esempio? Quando erano sopra di 30 si gettavano ancora su tutti i palloni come se fossero in svantaggio. Adesso mi aspetto una reazione importante dai ragazzi".
L'occasione di certo non mancherà, visto che gli azzurri domani affronteranno i padroni di casa della Turchia alle ore 19.30 locali.
Questo il tabellino della gara:
Italia-Russia 64-87 (19-29, 13-19, 8-22, 24-17)
ITALIA: Azzaro 13, Della Valle 5, Duranti 3, Guadagnini, Varuzza 8, Severini 2, Tomasini 12, Dispinzeri 3, Listwon, Stassi, Francione 8, Spera 10. All. Antonio Bocchino
Ecco le statistiche di Simone: tiri da due 5/7 (71%) tiri da tre 0/2 tiri liberi 2/3 (66%) 4 rimbalzi 3 assist in 25 minuti di utilizzo
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