In the game of two winless teams, Italy celebrated for their first victory in great come-back game against Bulgaria.
Bulgaria made a great start to the game and lead the first 3 minutes with 10-2. Bulgaria continued to increase the difference with Dimitar Dimitrov and Pavlin Ivanov and the score was 29-19 after the first quarter. Bulgaria’s defense let only 10 points to Italy in the second quarter and they lead the first half with 20 points (49-29).
With the start of third quarter Italy made zone defense, and they scored easy baskets of their traps. The difference was increased by Alessendro Azzoro’s points and the score was 58-50 in the last 2 minutes of the quarter. Bulgaria leaded the game 66-59 at the end of the third quarter.
Italy got a 10-0 run and balanced the game (66-66). Bulgaria took a time-out after Matteo Varuzza’s 3 pointer. (66-69) After the time out Bulgaria balanced the score again with two 3 pointers in a row they again lead the game (72-69). Italy got their last time out after a turnover from Stefanni Stassi only 3 minutes left on the clock. After the time-out Italy balanced the game with a 5-0 run (76-76). Italy won the game with Alessendra Azzoro’s great performance in last minutes. (83-86)
Dimitar Dimitrov made his first double-double in the tournament for Bulgarian side. He drained 25 points and pulled down 12 rebounds. Top performance of the game Alessendro Azzoro also made his first double double with 27 points and 10 ribaunds, let Italy to get a 20 point come back victory.
BULGARIA (83): Deyan Karamfilov 2 (2 reb, 2 asst), Aleksandar Hristov 5 (6 reb), Deyan Denchev (3 reb, 1 asst), Pavlin Ivanov25 (4 reb, 5 asst), Tehcho Tenev 22 (18 reb, 2 asst), Alex Simeonov 2 (1 reb), Denis Titov 4 (1 reb, 1 asst), Dimitar Dimitrov 21 (12 reb, 2 asst), Georgi Funtarov 2 (4 reb)
ITALY (86):Amadeo Vale 13 (3 reb, 5 asit), Matteo Varuzza 7 (7 reb, 5 asit), Giovanni Severini 7 (10 reb, 6 asit) Simone Tomassini 20, Alessandro Azzaro 27 (10 reb, 1 asit), Stefano Stassi 4 (2 reb), Roberto Francione (1 reb), Spera Gaetano 8 (3 reb)
1.PERIOD: 29-19
2.PERIOD: 20-10
3.PERıOD: 17-30
4.PERIOD: 17-27
Ankara - Prima vittoria per la Nazionale Under 16 impegnata nel Torneo "Turk Telekom" in corso ad Ankara (Turchia). I ragazzi di coach Antonio Bocchino si sono imposti con il punteggio di 86-83.
Dopo la sconfitta nella gara inaugurale e gli ottimi progressi evidenziati nella gara contro la Germania è arrivata la prima soddisfazione contro un avversario ostico. Dopo un avvio in sordina gli azzurri si sono ripresi crescendo alla distanza e giocando una buona seconda frazione. Domani, ore 15 locali, l'Italia affronterà la Russia.
Italia-Bulgaria 86-83 (19-29, 10-20, 30-17, 27-17)
ITALIA: Della Valle 13, Duranti, Guadagnini, Varuzza 7, Severini 7, Tomasini 20, Dispinzeri, Azzaro 27, Listwon ne, Stassi 4, Francione, Spera 8. All.: Antonio Bocchino
Ecco le statistiche di Simone in questa terza partita: tiri da due 4/6 tiri da tre 3/5 tiri liberi 3/5 1 persa 1 recupero.
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